Just start

A motto that I’ve embraced recently is “Just start.” I’ve realized that when I procrastinate, it’s really just because it’s hard to get started. For me, that’s the hardest part. But once I get going, I build up some momentum and then it’s easy to finish. This works with my work (getting started on a... Continue Reading →

What it means to live with intention—and why it’s so hard

“Intentional” is a word I’ve been thinking about for a few years. Living deliberately. Deciding what kind of a life you want to live and actually making it happen. Too often I say I’m going to do something or that I want to do something. I want to write a novel. I want to make... Continue Reading →

This is me and that’s okay

I don’t like shopping, but today I decided it was time to get new clothes. So I went to the mall. *cue horror music* Why is it that every dressing room has the most unflattering fluorescent lights in the world? After trying on clothes in a few stores, my self esteem was dangerously low. But... Continue Reading →

Stuff we love

Podcasts and books that have served as inspiration for the blog 1. WTF with Marc Maron 2. You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes 3. How I Built This with Guy Raz 4. The Sessions with Sean Croxton 5. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 6. Ask and It Is Given by Esther and... Continue Reading →

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