Just dance

I seriously love to dance. I’ve taken many dance classes over the years: Tap, jazz, hip hop — you name it. I’ve been to many rock concerts and EDM shows where I danced my heart out. And there was a moment in my 20s when I went clubbing every weekend. (Poker Face was the big... Continue Reading →

Work shouldn’t feel like work. Or should it?

“My work doesn’t feel like work.” Has anyone ever said that to you? They may have even followed it up with something like “If your work feels like work to you, you have the wrong job.” I’ve never felt this way in my life. Sure, I’ve come a long way and some of the work... Continue Reading →

Self-doubt, get the f*ck out of here

I’m plagued by self-doubt, especially when it comes to my career and creative projects. I start things left and right, and they rarely get finished. Novels (finished one, yet never put it on Amazon or anything). Blogs (surprise, surprise, this is not the first one I’ve started). Business ideas. You get the idea. I’m so... Continue Reading →

You are your own worst critic

How do you feel about your life? For me, if I’m being honest about it, I’ve been pretty hard on myself lately—especially when it comes to my career. Being a freelancer, I either feel like I’m doing too much, not doing enough, not doing enough of the right jobs, not making enough money, etc. Basically:... Continue Reading →

Things not going your way? Surrender

I had a breakthrough today. You know that part in “Office Space” when Peter gets hypnotized? And then for the rest of the movie, he just no longer cares about anything? He plays hooky to go fishing, and when he returns to the office nothing bothers him. He’s in a state of blissed-out oblivion, unable... Continue Reading →

Just eat

I read a statistic that disturbed me recently: One third of Americans can’t get through a meal without looking at their mobile devices. (From a study done by Nutrisystem). I’m skeptical of studies like this (they only surveyed 2,000 people, not too many). But it doesn’t matter how accurate this particular study is. What got... Continue Reading →

Don’t stay in the “I suck”

We all have those moments when we think, “I don’t know what I’m doing. I suck. I’m the worst.” And it’s okay to feel that way. As long as you don’t stay there. On WTF with Marc Maron, actor Bradley Whitford talked about what it’s like being on set when the director stops to talk... Continue Reading →

Using obsession for good

I have “Nerd brain.” As Chris Hardwick described on the Armchair Expert podcast, Nerd Brain is an obsessive brain. It doesn’t matter what you are obsessing over, whether it’s Star Wars or your exercise routine. All it means is that you have an ability to laser focus on one thing. His point, then, is that... Continue Reading →

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